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γιΰμεβ αιο ϊψαειεϊ
Dialogue of Civilizations
μχγεν δδαπδ αιο δξςψα μΰψφεϊ ωΰελμεριιϊο ξερμξιϊ αψεαδ

πεΰδ ρμξδ:
δΰμθψπθιαδ δμΰ ΰμιξδ
πεΰδ ρμξδ, ξπδμ δξψλζ μτιϊψεο ριλρελιν ετιερ ((WIFAQ ααιϊ μην, χεψΰ μτμρθιπιν "μςφεψ εμαηεο ΰϊ ΰϊ δξρμεμ εδΰρθψθβιδ ωμ δξΰαχ δμΰεξι δτμρθιπι," εμωχεμ τπιιδ μ"ΰρθψθβιδ ηγωδ δςεωδ ωιξεω αλμι δπωχ ωμ δδϊπβγεϊ δμΰ ΰμιξδ".
(τεψρν αξχεψ α- CGNews  α- 9 αιεπι 2003)

ςξερ ςεζ:
δςπιιο τωεθ: ωπι ςξιν, ωϊι ξγιπεϊ
λςϊ, αωςδ ωγεξδ λι βγμ δριλει μωμεν αιο ιωψΰμιν μτμρθιπιν, εδςξιν ξωπι δφγγιν "ξϊχγξιν ιεϊψ ξξπδιβιδν", ξγαψ ςξερ ςεζ ςμ δφεψκ μϊξεκ ατιϊψεο ωϊι δξγιπεϊ, μξψεϊ δλΰα δβγεμ δλψεκ αε: "ςαεψ ωπι δφγγιν, ξωξςεϊ δτιϊψεο δζδ διΰ γιξει ςφξι τβες, φγχ ημχι, ημεξεϊ ξπετφιν εϊηεωϊ ΰεαγο χωδ."
(τεψρν αξχεψ α"μερ ΰπβ'μρ θιιξρ" α- 6 αιεπι 2003)

ργΰχε ΰεβΰθδ:
ϊτιρδ ηγωδ ωμ δαιθηεο δΰπεωι
μΰεψ δωιπειιν δξδιψιν αζιψδ δαιπμΰεξιϊ χεψΰ ργΰχε ΰεβΰθδ, μωςαψ δπφια δςμιεο ωμ δΰε"ν μςπιιπι τμιθιν, μτιϊεη ϊτιρδ αθηεπιϊ ηγωδ δξϊξχγϊ αΰπωιν εμΰ αξγιπεϊ. ξεωβ δαιθηεο δΰπεωι "ςερχ αδαθηϊ δηιψειεϊ δΰπεωιεϊ δηιεπιϊ εδψηαϊο." ξθψϊε ΰιππδ "μαεΰ αξχεν αιθηεο δξγιπδ, ΰμΰ μδωμιν ΰεϊε."
(τεψρν αξχεψ αξδγεψδ δαιπμΰεξιϊ ωμ δ"δψΰμγ θψιαιεο" α- 8 αξΰι 2003)

  • A New Concept of Human Security

    International Herald Tribune, 8 May 2003
    In light of the rapid changes occurring in the international arena, Sadako Ogata, former UN High Commissioner for Refugees, calls for the development of a new security concept that focuses on people rather than on states. This idea of human security is "concerned with safeguarding and expanding people's vital freedoms." It is not meant to "supplant state security, but rather to complement it."

  • The Lies After Oslo

    Ha’aretz, 30 May 2003
    In this straightforward analysis, Ha’aretz military affairs editor Ze'ev Schiff seeks to illuminate the lessons learned from the failed Oslo process in order to "increase the chances of success for the diplomatic process between Israel and the Palestinians", now being pursued via the road map.  He believes the primary reason for the failure of the Oslo agreements was their "flawed implementation," which was "based on lies and covering up for these lies" and which "led to the armed confrontation that began in September, 2000."

  • The Non-Violence Alternative
    Common Ground News Service, 9 June 2003
    Noah Salameh, Director of the Center for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation (WIFAQ) in Bethlehem, urges the Palestinian people to "stop and evaluate the course and strategy of the Palestinian national struggle" and to consider using "a new strategy that employs weapons of non-violent resistance."

  • It's Simple: Two Peoples, Two States

    The Los Angeles Times, 6 June 2003
    As the possibilities for peace between Israelis and Palestinians seem to be increasing, and with the people in both communities "ahead of their leaders", renowned Israeli novelist Amos Oz voices the need for support and encouragement of the proposed two-state solution, which he recognizes will be very painful: "For both sides it means an injured self-image, a compromised sense of justice, shattered dreams and a heavy sense of loss."

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hagalil.com 13-04-2003



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